Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ads with Long Copy

It is very difficult to write ads with long copy. It takes a great writer and a stronger idea to captivate a reader with your words. Here are some examples of ads with long copy. Personally, I love the Nike and VW ad but I am not a huge fan of the Chicago Now ad. Here are my thoughts:

I love the headline on this ad. We don't think of fish as the strutting type. However these new Nike shoes are so great that you will be able to walk through water almost as well as fish swim through water. And the small copy that goes along with it is great. It writes a letter from Nike to consumers. I love how they sign it "amphibiously yours." Pretty genius.

I am not a big fan of this ad. The copy is trying to convince me to go online to talk about the parking situation in Chicago. It uses this crazy metaphor with a quarter. Something how quarters don't have feelings and I don't need to be like that. Not a very convincing message. I don't know if the headline alone would be able to draw readers in to even read the rest. Probably not a great example of long copy.

I love this ad. It is so simple: write a much longer paragraph that summarizes what a particular feature does, then highlight 5 important words that make up the main idea. "DSG can save you fuel". It is really clever. I can even read the whole paragraph to know more. But I know if I buy this car I will be saving gas.

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