Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's a New York Thing: Duane Reade

I first saw these ads this summer while I was living at NYU and working in Times Square. Every day I would get up and take the N, R, or Q trains to Times Square. I would always be fascinated by the ads that I would see inside the subway stations and actually inside the subway trains. These ads for Duane Reade particularly caught my eye. Being a New Yorker at heart, I can safely say that there ACTUALLY IS a Duane Reade on every block of the city. They are EVERYWHERE. That is the point of this campaign. Not only is Duane Reade everywhere in the city, but it also carries everything that you would need to find at a typical drug store. Here are a few of my favorites from this campaign:

Big Impact when you are actually standing in a subway holding one of these poles.

New Yorkers HATE when tourists ask them for directions.

Those yellow cabs are quite bountiful and easy to get but perscriptions at Duane Reade are even easier.

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