Sunday, October 18, 2009


I was just watching espn when a commercial caught my attention. It is for the new google android phone:

I love how it starts out like an iPhone commercial, the "i" in iDon't cleverly placed like all the Apple products. All of a sudden, chaos in the form of robot/industrial movement. DROID DOES. Pretty clever. I even went to the website after at where the website states: "Don't you wish you had a robot sidekick that moved at light speed, could get you out of any problem and lives in your pocket: soon you will" Its genius. There is also a countdown clock that according to wikipedia is counting down to October 30th. So for now we will have to wait to see what the phone looks like. It is a great campaign teasing viewers. I think everyone no matter what phone they have will be watching as the phone is unveiled on October 30th.

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